This is Thanksgiving. I was put in charge of carving the turkey. It was kind of a bittersweet day, being so close to the anniversary of my dad's death, I couldn't help but think of him doing the carving like he normally did. It was still a fun day, filled with family, and food.
A few days later we put up the tree that we cut the week before. It is always a fun time to decorate the house.
Kyleigh thought that she could help with the ribbon that was for wrapping the tree.
A few days before Christmas we were hit with a huge snowstorm. This is the second round of snowblowing. We ended up getting around two feet of snow, or as you can see enough for Melissa to sink to her knees.
Christmas was a fun day, we spent time with family and mostly just relaxed during that week because Melissa was lucky enough to have the whole week off.
On Dec 30 Melissa and I had our three year anniversary. These are the roses that she got for that special day. She liked the roses, but she really loved the vase that they came in.
On New Year's Eve, it was about 7:00 and we thought that we needed something to do for the next few hours, we put this puzzle together along with my Mom, all in one night, again Kyleigh thought that she could be a good helper, but mostly just tried to put the pieces on the floor.
It's been a good few months. The good days have outnumbered the bad days, and that makes life much better.
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